Thứ ba - 03/10/2023 04:26

Giới thiệu trường  
Asia University, though young, put great efforts in developments of academic, teaching and other affairs in the last decade, and has yielded many great achievements. Some important ones are listed in the following.
  • 2020 AU entered the four most famous rankings of universities in the world. 
  • For three consecutive years being listed in the top-5 best universities in Taiwan in school running as evaluated by the famous magazine Cheers ---
  • For the first time being listed in the group of 1000 best universities in the wolrd evaluated by the famous magazine US News & World Report ---
  • Being ranked in the list of 30 best universities in Taiwan in 2016 evaluation of all the universities in Taiwan conducted by the famous magazine Global Views Monthly ---
  • Being ranked in the list of 800 best universities in the world in 2015-2016 THE (Times Higher Education) ranking of all universities in the world ---
  • Two colleges at Asia University, the College of Information and Electrical Engineering as well as the College of Management, passing international academic accreditations ---
  • Being ranked the 83th in 2014 THE (Times Higher Education) Ranking of 100 Best Asia Universities ---
  • Being ranked the 99th in 2013 THE (Times Higher Education) ranking of 100 best universities under 50 years in the world ---
  • Being granted honored projects of university teaching excellence for 11 years consecutively ---
  • Being ranked No. 53 in 2013 Times Higher Education BRICS & Emerging Economies Rankings ---
  • Students and faculty members winning a great number of world-famous design and invention awards in recent five years (2009-2014) ---
  • Establishment of a Nobel Laureate Forum ---
  • Uniting recently with China Medical University to form a stronger union --- China-Asia Associated University (CA2) ---
  • Continuing efforts paid to promotion of internationalization ---
  • Being evaluated to be the best new university in 2005, all degree programs passing assessment in 2008, and being evaluated to have the best achievement in the second university accreditation conducted by the Ministry of Education in 2011 ---
  • An incomparable award-winning elegant and artistic campus having been constructed ---
  • Five Ph. D. degree programs being approved by the Ministry of Education in a short period ---
  • Being promoted to the university level with a speed record ---
  • Outstanding professors gathering together to form a strong faculty like a miracle ---

Học bổng
Asia University provides a limited number of scholarships each year for talented international students. All applicants may have an opportunity to compete for scholarships, depending on qualification of applicants, program admitted, and available budget. Applicants who have received Taiwan scholarship are NOT eligible to receive Asia University Scholarship.

A. Taiwan Scholarship 
a) This scholarship is offered by Taiwan government (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Ministry of Science Technology). 
b) How to apply: For application guidelines and forms, types of scholarship and quotas, as well as information regarding the selection process and outcome announcements, applicants may directly contact the relevant Taiwan Embassy or Representative Office. Please refer to the MOFA website for the nearest embassy or representative office. 
c) Information link: http://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw 

B. Asia University Scholarship 
Currently, Asia University offers different types of scholarships shown as below. The type of scholarship awarded to student is decided by the Admission and Scholarship Committee. 
Scholarship Brief Introduction
Scholarship A+ tuition waiver, dormitory fee waiver, and monthly stipend of NT$6,000
Scholarship A tuition waiver, dormitory fee waiver
Scholarship B tuition waiver
Scholarship C 50% tuition waiver

a) To apply for Asia University scholarship, applicants must specify in the application form and submit it with all required application materials to the Center for International Academic Exchange through application website. 
b) Awarded students in Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral programs are supported for at most four, two and three years respectively. 
2024 Spring Entry Admission Brochure for International Students 
c) An average score of less than 75 and 80 in previous academic year for undergraduate and graduate students, respectively, will result in disqualification of receiving scholarship. 
d) To enhance internationalization and cultural exchange on campus, students receiving scholarship above B level are mandatory to participate in activities/services (30 hours per semester) arranged by the Office of International College. 

Chương trình giảng dạy bằng tiếng Anh
Department/Institute English-taught
Department of Healthcare Administration   MS PhD
Department of Psychology   MS PhD
Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology   MS  
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering BS MS PhD
Department of Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering BS MS PhD
Program of Artificial Intelligence     PhD
Department of Business Administration
(Accounting, Business, Finance Emphasis)


Department of Finance
Department of Accounting and Information Systems BA MBA  
College of Management:
  • Joint Degree Undergraduate Program in Business Administration
  • Joint Degree Undergraduate Program in Finance
  • Joint Degree Undergraduate Program in Accounting and Information Systems

Department of Finance and Economic Law BA MBA  
Department of Leisure and Recreation Management BA    
Dual Degree Program of Humanistic Care and
Department of Foreign Languages and Literature BA MA  
Department of Social Work   MA  
Dual Degree Program of Design Practice and Management BA    
Department of Digital Media Design   MA PhD

Phương thức liên hệ
Website: https://www.asia.edu.tw/
Address: 500, Lioufeng Rd., Wufeng, Taichung 41354, Taiwan
Tel: +886-4-23323456; +886-4-3706-1889
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